A Rational Upgrade for My Dotfiles

Recently I’ve refined my dotfiles which worked out pretty well, while what I’d like to share is not the upgrade, but rather something behind it. What I need This is so cruicial yet so hard that you might realize you’re diverting from it when working on the “how” part and have to start all over again. So seriouly, figure it out as much as you can in the first place....

07-24 · 4 min

Change the Capitalization of a Direcotry with Git

Today I ran into a small issue with Git when I was trying to capitalize a directory. Normally this should change the status of the repo so that I can make a commit, while Git just doesn’t seem to pick up on it. After a little searching, I found the best way to resolve this was a simple config. According to Git’s documentation: core.ignoreCase If true, this option enables various workarounds to enable Git to work better on filesystems that are not case sensitive, like FAT....

05-19 · 2 min