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A Rational Upgrade for My Dotfiles

Recently I’ve refined my dotfiles which worked out pretty well, while what I’d like to share is not the upgrade, but rather something behind it. What I need This is so cruicial yet so hard that you might realize you’re diverting from it when working on the “how” part and have to start all over again. So seriouly, figure it out as much as you can in the first place....

07-24 · 4 min

History Setting in Zsh

If you’re using zsh, you’ve probably bundled it with oh-my-zsh, which does a lot of zsh configs underneath. In my case, it has worked well for a pretty long time until I switched to starship, yet it took me a while to figure out how to properly set up history in zsh without it. First of all, if you’re using MacOS, you’ll notice things still work fine, this is because there is a system-wide history setting in /etc/zshrc....

06-29 · 2 min

Change the Capitalization of a Direcotry with Git

Today I ran into a small issue with Git when I was trying to capitalize a directory. Normally this should change the status of the repo so that I can make a commit, while Git just doesn’t seem to pick up on it. After a little searching, I found the best way to resolve this was a simple config. According to Git’s documentation: core.ignoreCase If true, this option enables various workarounds to enable Git to work better on filesystems that are not case sensitive, like FAT....

05-19 · 2 min


上个月就看到 Google Podcasts 准备停运的消息,但服务并没有下线,这让我还抱着一丝侥幸心理,直到前几天再次打开时页面已经变成下图的样子。 该走的总要走,好在高质量的播客 App 还有很多,我简单试用了下之前注意到的 AntennaPod 便决定换用它了,亮点很明显:开源、无广告、简洁好用。除了标配的订阅、收藏和队列功能,它提供了个类似 Readwise 的 Home screen: 本质上就是提供了一些定制化的推荐与简洁入口,因为平时 Readwise 用得比较多,这给我带来了一份额外的亲切感。 当然,AntennaPod 也支持 OPML 格式的数据导入,Google Podcasts 的页面现在还是可以下载之前的订阅源的,或者也可以直接参考这篇教程。 除了这次迁移,还发现了个很神奇的网站,可以方便地查找播客的文稿 虽然看起来平平无奇,也不是大厂的产品,但是真的好用,而且免费。在 Reddit 看到关于他们的帖子说目标是汇集所有的播客并提供语音文本,不过用的应该还是第三方的 ASR 服务,所以也不可能一直用爱发电,也许还在寻找合适的盈利方式中吧。 其实他们网站既可以直接听也提供了文字稿,感觉甚至不再需要 App 了 🤷。 最后推荐一些自己在听的播客吧: The Daily 新闻时政,语速比较快,了解时事专用 Modern Love 感情专栏,年纪大的我现在反而很爱听 Life Kit 各类生活小知识,听起来放松不累 Eat Your Crust 很随意的聊天,适合用来熟悉生活化口语 Inside of You 欧美娱乐圈采访类,有感兴趣的明星时是最棒的 Philosophize This! 最近发现的一个哲学播客,感觉很硬核 This American Life 网站做得很棒,自带文本,略长,每集一小时起 最后还是要说声再见,不光对 Google Podcasts,也对一个朋友。人生总有聚散,相识也难免别离,重要的永远是学会珍惜生活中的点点滴滴。生活依旧美好,时光待我不薄,再见。

05-07 · 1 min

Implement Dark Mode With React

Being able to switch between light and dark mode has always been a fancy feature in my mind when it comes to the UI part of an app. Recently I’ve done it myself and found it actually quite straightforward to implement. Rationale Aside from any frameworks, let’s think about how color mode switch should work. Apparently we need 2 sets of colors defined with CSS, as well as an easy way to change between them for our HTML elements....

05-03 · 4 min